OsteopathsNZ Board Nominations are now open

There is now an opportunity to put yourself forward, or nominate another member, for a role on the OsteopathsNZ Board.

Current Board members that are reappointed will be appointed for one year and hold office until the next AGM. New Board members will be appointed for a two year period and hold office until the next AGM in two years time.

Nominations for election to the Board are now open. Positions available for election are:

  • Chair
  • Vice-Chair
  • Treasurer
  • Between two and four Board members

The current Chair will move into the role of immediate past Chair for the period of one year.

We are looking for a number of new members to join the Board who are passionate about the osteopathic profession.
Being part of the Board is an opportunity to help advance and support areas of the profession you are passionate about, help lobby for osteopathy with government bodies and stakeholders, and work alongside other osteopaths who are passionate about osteopathy. It is also your opportunity to be involved with shaping our organisation. So, if you are passionate about osteopathy in Aotearoa and enjoy working in a team environment, you might be who we are looking for!

The details of what's required and who is entitled to be elected are set out on this form.
All nominations must be entered into the online form by 5pm, Wednesday 7 August 2024.