Myofascial Release Lower Body Course

9:00 AM
5:00 PM

Clyde (Central Otago)

Enhance your MFR skillset working with conditions of the trunk, hips, legs, and feet with the MFR Lower Body course. This advanced course expands your understanding of the pivotal role of fascia in prevalent medical conditions such as breathing issues, sciatica, low back and hip pain, iliotibial band syndrome, knee pain, and plantar fasciitis.

2 Day Course - 14 CPDs

Delve into the profound impact of stress on the body, with research indicating its correlation with up to 90% of all illnesses. Understand how stress manifests physically, affecting posture, fluidity of movement, and breathing.

Learn valuable techniques for muscles and myofascial structures including serratus posterior superior and inferior, thoracolumbar fascia, quadratus lumborum, psoas, deep hip rotators, quads, hamstrings, adductors and detailed lower leg, ankle and foot structures.

Fee: $550

Instructor: Beth Beauchamp, Fascial Instructor & Educator, Founder Fascia IQ, Medical Massage Therapist

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