Job Vacancies; Business For Sale; Rooms to Lease


Adverts are free for members of Osteopaths New Zealand, or $115 for up to 3 months (GST incl.)


Both ONZ members and non-members can create a classified listing by completing the online form on the Classifieds page.

Please note you will need to sign in or create an account in order to place a listing on our website. ONZ members will already have an account set-up and if you are a non-member you will need to create one before you are able to access the online form. If you have previously created an account but forgotten your password click the 'I've forgotten my password' option when asked to sign-in and you will be sent instructions on how to reset your password.

Non-members will be sent an invoice via email and payment is required before the listing is uploaded to the website. Payment can be made by direct credit to Osteopaths NZ account 01-0505-0762502-00 or by credit card via the link on your invoice. Please note credit card payments will incur a processing fee.

Please be aware that listings will not go live straight away as they need to be authorised by the Osteopaths NZ administrator.

To place a listing click here

Disclaimer: Osteopaths New Zealand reserves the right to decline advertising inconsistent with the style and content.


Courses, Seminars or Events for Professional Development

Cost per online listing is $115 (GST incl.), Osteopaths NZ members receive 50% discount.


The listing may include multiple dates, with a maximum of 5 different dates. Course listings remain online until the course date (for a maximum of 6 months). Please supply information in plain text, up to 200 words.

Your listing will also be included in a monthly e-newsletter to our database.

Fee must be paid prior to placement on website. Payment can be made by direct credit to Osteopaths NZ account 01-0505-0762502-00 or by credit card via the link on your invoice. Please note credit card payments will incur a processing fee.

Disclaimer: Osteopaths New Zealand reserves the right to decline advertising inconsistent with the style and content.


Focus email: $300, Osteopaths NZ members receive 50% discount.


For a one-off, dedicated email advertising your course or event select a Focus Email. Email can include a logo/graphics and up to 500 words, and will be sent to our database. Course is also listed online, and included in our monthly email.

Fee must be paid prior to placement on website. Payment can be made by direct credit to Osteopaths NZ account 01-0505-0762502-00 or by credit card via the link on your invoice. Please note credit card payments will incur a processing fee.